Sunday 4 December 2011

FREE books for schools!

This is what my stand at a school event looks like - well, on this occasion at Turku International School I was offered a pool table! I looked at the huge area and said "I'll probably only use half" and then proceeded to fill the whole thing! It was a late booking - the call came on Thursday for a Saturday morning - and it was a HUGE success!

The grade 1-6 students had a Saturday morning at school and so the Parents' Assocation organised the event for the parents who wanted to hang around for their children. There was tea & cake, various stalls run by parents (bits & bobs, 2nd hand books, clothes) and me with my pool table... 

The school received £85 worth of FREE books... if they had ordered the books from me, they would have paid almost 120 euros but by inviting me along to their event and letting me sell to the parents, they got the books for nothing (except time, space & customers). 

Since this event I have also been at a school in Helsinki where they school received £115 worth of FREE books in just 3 hours!

If you would like FREE books for your school, please just get in touch - World Book Day is in the spring - an event in March or April would be a great time to celebrate this!

Friday 12 August 2011

Back to School

It's less than a week until Monkey goes back to school, or more importantly, goes to a new school! She's taking that all important step into her Pre-School year. She'll be learning the final elements of her pre-reading & writing skills and of course, I'll be helping her at home, too. 

As a Parent, Usborne books are invaluable in this area. Here are just a few useful titles for this time of year.

All children love stickers and this book is a fun introduction to the first days at school.It costs just £4.99/6.80 euro.

This one is available as a paperback for £3.99/5.40 euro or in a mini edition (ideal for handbags/school bags) for just £2.50/3.50 euro. It's part of a series of First Experiences including Going to the Doctor/Hospital/Dentist, Going on a Plane and New Puppy/Baby.

One method of teaching children to read & write, utilises Phonics - Usborne has a full range of titles to support this teaching method - for parents and teachers. 

The latest are these 4 workbooks which form part of the Very First Reading range - I introduced you to the box set of fifteen titles, ideal for learning to read, in an earlier blog here.

These 4 Phonics workbooks are £4.99/6.80 euro each but don't forget, teachers, you can get lovely discounts for bulk orders; just ask me how