Thursday 23 January 2014

It's almost Valentine's Day. In Finland, it's ystävänpäivä which means Friendship Day! 

If you're looking for a gift idea, or a project to do with the kids, then this could be the answer... 

For only €7.50 / £4.99 you can get "Valentine things to make and do" - full of arts & crafts projects for you and your family.

Order direct from my website if you are not in or near Turku, Finland OR email me THIS WEEK if you want to order direct from me if you are local! 

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Do you want to go to DUBAI?

I realise that's not something you expect on a blog about Children's Books but this is a genuine opportunity!

Any Usborne Organiser can win a 5* trip to Dubai at the end of January 2015. 

If you joined Usborne now, you would also qualify...

It means working hard to build a team of Organisers to work with you and making a success of your very own business in the process. And it only costs £38 (+P&P) to get started.

My own team is currently in Finland but my aim is to expand across Finland and into Sweden, Denmark and Estonia as well as the rest of the EU! We all sell Usborne books at home parties, schools and markets - have a look at my previous entries for examples - it's is great fun, totally flexible (around kids, for example) and there's no pressure, other than that you set for yourself when planning to win one of the amazing incentives on offer.

DUBAI is the big travel incentive but building your team also gets you invited to high powered gatherings with delicious food in luxurious settings all over UK. 

Ask me how to join my Usborne team and take the first step towards a fabulous adventure....