Friday 12 August 2011

Back to School

It's less than a week until Monkey goes back to school, or more importantly, goes to a new school! She's taking that all important step into her Pre-School year. She'll be learning the final elements of her pre-reading & writing skills and of course, I'll be helping her at home, too. 

As a Parent, Usborne books are invaluable in this area. Here are just a few useful titles for this time of year.

All children love stickers and this book is a fun introduction to the first days at school.It costs just £4.99/6.80 euro.

This one is available as a paperback for £3.99/5.40 euro or in a mini edition (ideal for handbags/school bags) for just £2.50/3.50 euro. It's part of a series of First Experiences including Going to the Doctor/Hospital/Dentist, Going on a Plane and New Puppy/Baby.

One method of teaching children to read & write, utilises Phonics - Usborne has a full range of titles to support this teaching method - for parents and teachers. 

The latest are these 4 workbooks which form part of the Very First Reading range - I introduced you to the box set of fifteen titles, ideal for learning to read, in an earlier blog here.

These 4 Phonics workbooks are £4.99/6.80 euro each but don't forget, teachers, you can get lovely discounts for bulk orders; just ask me how