Saturday 12 February 2011

A stall at the Indoor Market

Today and tomorrow, my books are for sale in the Indoor Market in town. Today was fairly quiet for a Friday - some sales, some friends popping by to wish me well, some party enquiries and a potential school booking.

Lots of people said they'll bring their children tomorrow - so it ought to be busy. I'm nervous and excited.
I brought every book in my collection (actually not true - I didn't bring my Christmas Books!). I want to reduce my stock, I want to free up some storage space and I want to sell as much as possible!

I think it all looks gorgeous - properly displayed with plenty of space. Before today, I've never really had the space..

My family were coming & going - dropping me off, going off to buy a new swimming costume, coming back from shopping, going off to school.... It's lovely that they are all part of my venture.

The Mouse played so nicely with the bug book and sat in his buggy listening to the Farmyard Tales & finding the duck on every page.

The Monkey asked me this evening, totally out of the blue - "How did your book thing go today?". It was a wonderful feeling to know she was thinking of me while she was at school and at swimming.

..and the answer "it went well, thank you."